Document Type : ISI


1 Assistant professor of Law, Payam Noor University of Tehran

2 Assistant professor of Law,Islamic Azad University, Central, of Tehran

3 PhD Student in International Law, Islamic Azad University, Central, of Tehran


Economic development and international trade have led to the formation of a global interdependent economic system, which is becoming a unique international system due to the development of human societies and basic needs in the present era, and in this regard, the international institutions have played a major role. If the business rules are clearer and more predictable, they can, at the same time, meet mutual interests of energy exporting countries. In fact, globalization of energy trading has increased the importance of its role in economic relations between countries through the international investment, deregulation of domestic markets of countries, and a new connection between the area of energy in different countries and the political economy in the world. The present study is descriptive and explores international energy rules as well as energy trade multilateral system and tries to determine whether energy products are different from other products and require certain trade rules. It also examines the obstacles to making regulations in the area of trade and energy taking into account characteristics of different kinds of energy.


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